Xanatos™ Printer Friendly Page

QR barcode with full contact info for phone scanning.

Contact Us for More Information

We're Happy to Answer the Questions that we can!

But we're still learning too.

<% Dim email, area, phone, Name, MailingAddr, City, State, Zip, Country, Comments, NSI, NSN, listOK listOK = "0" email = Replace(request("email"), "<", "<") area = Replace(request("area"), "<", "<") Telephone = Replace(request("Telephone"), "<", "<") FAX = Replace(request("FAX"), "<", "<") Name = Replace(request("Name"), "<", "<") MailingAddr = Replace(request.form("MailingAddr"), "<", "<") City = Replace(request.form("City"), "<", "<") State = Replace(request.form("State"), "<", "<") Zip = Replace(request.form("Zip"), "<", "<") Country = Replace(request.form("Country"), "<", "<") Comments = Replace(request.form("Comments"), "<", "<") listOK = request.form("mailing") TimeFrame_for_need = Replace(request.form("TimeFrame_for_need"), "<", "<") Referrer = Replace(request.form("Referrer"), "<", "<") Site_Description = Replace(request.form("Site_Description"), "<", "<") if listOK ="on" then listOK = "1" else listOK = "0" end if if Name <> "" then Name = Name & " " intEndOfIndex = Instr(Name, " ") FirstName = mid(Name, 1, intEndOfIndex - 1) LastName = mid(Name, intEndOfIndex + 1, len(Name)) end if NSI = Replace(request("NSI"), "|", "::") NSN = Replace(request("NSN"), "|", "::") if NSN = "00" then word = "nagual" end if if NSN = "01" then word = "nagual" end if if NSN = "02" then word = "tonal" end if if NSN = "03" then word = "energy" end if if NSN = "04" then word = "eagle" end if if NSN = "05" then word = "party" end if if NSN = "06" then word = "egg" end if if NSN = "07" then word = "silence" end if if NSN = "08" then word = "warrior" end if if NSN = "09" then word = "dreamer" end if if NSN = "10" then word = "freedom" end if if NSN = "11" then word = "freedom" end if if Name = "" Or email = "" then %> <% else if NSI = word then if s = "" then s = "Xanatos.com Contact Form" else s = "Xanatos.com Contact Form: " & s end if Set myMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set myCon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration") 'Modify the smtp server for the smtp server that your hosting uses (localhost for dedicated relay-hosting for shared) myCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "relay-hosting.secureserver.net" myCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 myCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 myCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 myCon.Fields.Update Set myMail.Configuration = myCon 'Specify if Text or HTML email (optional - I think default is HTML since I was able to use HTML codes in teh strBody builder) 'myMail.HTMLBody = "this is the body" 'myMail.TextBody = "this is the body" myMail.From = email myMail.To = "xanatos@xanatos.com" 'myMail.Cc = "dave@xanatronics.com" 'myMail.Bcc = "dxanatos@easternstates.com" myMail.Subject = s strBody = "The following was submitted " & now & " from the form on Xanatos.com:" & "
" & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & Name & "
" & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & MailingAddr & "
" & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & City & ", " & State & " " & Zip & ", " & Country & "
" & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Phone: " & Telephone & "
" & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Email: " & email & "
" & "
" & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Message Body: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Comments & "
" & "
" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "Web site rating: " & Site_Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strBody = strBody & "IPA: " & IPA & "; User Agent: " & user_agent & vbCrLf & vbCrLf 'myMail.AddAttachment "c:\myweb\somefile.jpg" myMail.HTMLBody = strBody myMail.Send 'Close the server mail object Set myMail = Nothing Set myCon = Nothing response.write "

Thanks, " & Name & "!

" response.write "

We appreciate your time in having contacted us, and we will reply to your contact as soon as we are able.

" 'whichFN=server.mappath("data/elistdata.txt") 'forappending =8 'Set fstemp = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'set filetemp=fstemp.OpentextFile(whichFN, forappending) 'filetemp.write DBLine 'filetemp.close end if end if %>