Pattern: Outcome Frame
I. Determine Problem Situation
II. What do you want?
- Stated in positive terms
- Sensory based
- Appropriate Chunk Size
- META OUTCOME: "What will that do for you?"
III. Where, when, and with whom do you want it?
- Sensory Based
- Ecological Context
IV. How will you know when you have it?
- Sensory Based
- Appropriate and timely feedback from the world
V. How will this outcome affect/improve other aspects of your life?
- Ongoing Incongruence
- Specific checks:
- Direct asking: for problems/internal objections
- Past pacing: "What stopped you in the past from having this?"
- Generalization: use guided search on anchored negative response to find out where else problem is active... limit to ecological contexts only.
- Play polarity: "Oh how wonderful it will be to be assertive, even when you're facing a gang with clubs and guns!"
- Future pacing: First disassociated, then associated... "Is there anything that you find that you don't like about this outcome" ...allow time to edit/modify.
- Switch referential index: Client adopts viewpoint of affected significant other.
- Observing another: "If someone else you know got this same outcome, how might it work for them? Would it need editing?"
- Role play: Client role-plays new behavior in major life contexts, with significant people.
- AS IF frame:Extended frame of being into the future while looking back at having already used the new behavior, noticing how it has worked, and other changes. Note: Installation is possible at this point in many cases.
VI. What resources do you already have available to help you get this outcome?
- Sensory based
- Meta Model violations
VII. How can you best utilize these resources to get your outcome?
VIII. What are you going to begin to do now something that will get you closer to your outcome?
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